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Netflix: TODAS las series y películas turcas que se estrenan en el 2023 y lo que tiene planeado para 2024

Hace un par de semanas, una constelación de estrellas turcas se dieron cita en una cena auspiciada por Netflix donde se presentaron las nuevas propuestas de la famosa plataforma de streaming para el año 2023. Entre series y películas, pudimos ver desfilar desde la pareja conformada por Nelihan Atagul y Kadir Doğulu a Hazal Kaya, junto a la mega estrella Beren Saat. Pero, ¿qué series y películas turcas CONFIRMADAS llegan a Netflix en el 2023? Aquí, una lista con los títulos, quienes son los protagonistas y la sinopsis de los próximos estrenos turcos que se estrenan en Netflix y lo que se prepara para el 2024. Kal (11 de noviembre) Aunque no hay que esperar hasta el próximo año, su estreno fue este 11 de noviembre. Se trata de la película protagonizada por el galán de Hayat y recordado como Baris de la serie Amor de familia, Burak Deniz. Marcada como un drama romántico, la sinopsis nos envuelve en la vida de Semih cuya novia rompe con él. Misma que será interpretada por Dilan Çiçek D...

'Mahkum' (Prisoner): The new police intrigue turkish remake k- drama 'Innocent Defendant' starring Onur Tuna and Seray Kaya: Premiere, synopsis, characters and actors

Although the character of his character in the series Dr. Milagro, currently aired on Latina Televisión, makes the poor protagonist of the story and other residents suffer; the fans of Dr. Ferman care little about this and that is that more than one must be in love with the actor who plays him.

We are talking about Onur Tuna who, after a brief vacation at the end of the series, returns to the Turkish small screen with the series Mahkum (Prisoner in Spanish).

The series is a remake of a Korean drama (for a change!) Called Innocent Defendant released in 2017.

The funny thing is that not only will we see Dr. Ferman now in a suit and tie, but they will also be able to meet up with Seray Kaya, Bahar's psychotic sister in the hit novel Fuerza de mujer, broadcast just over two years ago on channel 2.

This is how these two remembered actors are joined by the nurse Acelya herself, played by actress Hayal Köseoğlu who will also work on this Turkish adaptation.

In the original story, Jung Woo is an exemplary prosecutor who wakes up overnight in prison for having murdered nothing more and nothing less than his own wife. In addition to the disappearance of his daughter. All this with the seasoning of not remembering anything of what happened until the moment of confinement. In the Turkish adaptation, the protagonist Agit Bulut, is accused of killing a powerful businessman.

Mahkum is one of the last television bets of the year of the FOX CHANNEL channel that in recent premieres has not done very well despite the names that their new television bets had. To such an extent that both Misafir with Hayal Kaza and Elbet bir gun with Sinem Unsal have been canceled before the unexpected due to low tuning.

Will the same happen with Mahkum? For the sake of Onur Tuna fans, let's hope not.


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