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Netflix: TODAS las series y películas turcas que se estrenan en el 2023 y lo que tiene planeado para 2024

Hace un par de semanas, una constelación de estrellas turcas se dieron cita en una cena auspiciada por Netflix donde se presentaron las nuevas propuestas de la famosa plataforma de streaming para el año 2023. Entre series y películas, pudimos ver desfilar desde la pareja conformada por Nelihan Atagul y Kadir Doğulu a Hazal Kaya, junto a la mega estrella Beren Saat. Pero, ¿qué series y películas turcas CONFIRMADAS llegan a Netflix en el 2023? Aquí, una lista con los títulos, quienes son los protagonistas y la sinopsis de los próximos estrenos turcos que se estrenan en Netflix y lo que se prepara para el 2024. Kal (11 de noviembre) Aunque no hay que esperar hasta el próximo año, su estreno fue este 11 de noviembre. Se trata de la película protagonizada por el galán de Hayat y recordado como Baris de la serie Amor de familia, Burak Deniz. Marcada como un drama romántico, la sinopsis nos envuelve en la vida de Semih cuya novia rompe con él. Misma que será interpretada por Dilan Çiçek D...

Yesil Vadinin Kizi, Turkish adaptation of Anne with an "E" starring Beren Gokyildiz

With the literal title of The Girl from the Green Valley, Yesil Vadinin Kizi started his recordings a few days ago.

The production by Yeseil Yapim is the same that made the novels Elif and Una luz de esperanza that could be seen on Panamericana Televisión starring the talented girl Isabella Damla Guvenilir. Although this last story was lifted from the channel's programming without further explanation.

Charged with a new production, this time starring Beren Gokyildiz who at her young age has already gained popularity in much of Latin America and Peru is no exception thanks to her talent seen in novels like Mother (the one she launched to the fame to the actress) or All for my daughter, and without forgetting her recently publicized participation in Dr. Milagro on the national screen; The actress is preparing to star in this new adventure that will be seen on the FOX CHANNEL channel in Turkey and is one of the channel's bets for next summer 2022.

Yesil Vadinin Kizi is the adaptation of the Canadian series broadcast by the Netflix platform, Anne with an “E”. Which in turn was based on a series of books.

On the plot, it is known that it will follow the same as the North American series. Except for some forced script changes such as the issue of homosexuality of some characters that in Turkey still has a lot of resistance on screen.

What is the series about? A period story where we meet the protagonist who is an orphan and adopted by a couple who live in the country and who believed he was a child. Hence the title of the series. Her life before and after the adoption and the way in which she adapts to the society that views her with suspicion because of her condition as an orphan is portrayed in the series.

Finally, the pull of Beren is undeniable. And it is that long before the start of its production, the production company has already sold the series to several countries, especially in the region. So, if nothing happens, it is very likely that we will have it open soon.


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